

I’ve been on vacation since last Thursday, but it’s today that I find myself enjoying a day off.  No obligations. No one to care for (thanks mom and dad). No one to report to. Just me, my dog, a cup of coffee and the birds outside my window. I watch them flutter and flicker. Come and go. Their activity reminds me of a Mary Oliver poem about a turtle. In the poem, the author is watching a turtle do her work of making a nest and laying eggs in the sand. The author considers the turtle’s patience and fortitude.  Her determination to do the work she was born to do.  And then, a realization comes. The turtle does not consider this work. She’s simply taking up residence in the life she has been given. There is so much purpose and integrity in what the turtle does that, “she cannot see herself apart from the world or the world from what she must do.”

So here I sit, watching the birds take residence in their lives. I watch a world that does not require any action on my part other than to take witness.  Being a witness to life can easily get lost in the shuffle of this time of year.  We get consumed in busy-ness.  A busy-ness that may have the best intentions, but may not be purposeful.

Little did I know, but today is serving as my re-alignment.  An opportunity to calm the busy-ness in my head/life and take a more grounded residence in my purpose.  Just like on my mat, when I’ve gone into head space and need to re-align. When my innner witness says, “Amber, you’re not even in this right now.  Come back.  Feel your feet, now your quads, tuck your tailbone…. and just like that- I am operating from integrity again.  My pose takes on a new life. And today my purpose takes on a new life as well.

Our daily lives are not so different from the time spent on our mat.  It’s imperative that we re-align and ground ourselves again and again wherever we are. If you have taken the time to read this today, take just as much time to be a witness today.  To see the world as it’s happening without intervening. Then, enjoy as your inner witness takes shape.  Your own inner re-alignment occurs. A renewed purpose.  As part of the world.

About Amber

Mama. Watcher of birds and the moon. Naturalist. Sacred Circle Leader, Shamanic Student. Ordained. Founder of Mindful Vinyasa Yoga School and the Mindful Classrooms Project.

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